2018 November

11-29 From $erverless to Elixir

This post is going to be about our motivations for the move and what the replacement implementation looks like. This post is not a critique of NodeJS, Lambda, or the Serverless movement, but a word of caution about how pricey it can become if your service ends up going webscale™.

11-29 We can do better than percentile latencies

Years ago, I used aver­age laten­cy on every dash­board and every alarm. That is, until I woke up to the prob­lems of aver­age laten­cies along with every­body else in the indus­try:

11-28 Announcing the Red Hat OpenShift extension for Visual Studio Code: Public Preview

We are extremely pleased to announce that the preview release of the Red Hat OpenShift extension for Visual Studio Code is now available. You can download the OpenShift Connector extension from the marketplace or install it directly from the extension gallery in Visual Studio Code.

11-27 Firecracker – Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless Computing

One of my favorite Amazon Leadership Principles is Customer Obsession. When we launched AWS Lambda, we focused on giving developers a secure serverless experience so that they could avoid managing infrastructure.

11-19 Schedule One-Time Commands with the UNIX at Tool

Cron is nice and all, but don’t forget about its cousin at. When I first started using Linux, it was like being tossed into the deep end of the UNIX pool. You were expected to use the command line heavily along with all the standard utilities and services that came with your distribution.

11-09 eksctl - a CLI for Amazon EKS

eksctl is a simple CLI tool for creating clusters on EKS - Amazon’s new managed Kubernetes service for EC2. It is written in Go, and based on Amazon’s official CloudFormation templates. You can create a cluster in minutes with just one command – eksctl create cluster!

11-07 Increasing Getafix’s impact

Getafix has helped us advance toward our goal of letting computers take care of routine bug-fixing work. As we continue to refine our testing and verification tools, we expect Getafix will be able to prevent a larger portion of postdeployment failures.

11-06 There are 3 public clouds left and we’ll use all of them

IBM was the 4th public cloud if you leave the Chinese market dominated by Alibaba out of the picture. IBM Cloud was losing ground to the top 3 public clouds. They decided to acquired RedHat for 31% of their market cap. This was a big bet on a hybrid and multi-cloud future.

11-03 50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions for Programmers

There are a lot of computer science graduates and programmers applying for programming, coding, and software development roles at startups like Uber and Netflix; big organizations like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google; and service-based companies like Infosys or Luxsoft, but many of them have no idea o

11-03 Flutter ❤ GRPC

A few months ago I decided to write an app for finding people around you with similar interests with the help of events.

11-03 How to use Hugo template variables in SCSS files (in 2018)

Hugo 0.43 added the ability to execute a resource as a Go template, meaning template variables can now be used to modify stylesheets. With the addition of Hugo Pipes comes default support for SASS/SCSS.

11-01 Chaos Monkey Guide for Engineers

In 2010, Netflix decided to move their systems to the cloud. In this new environment, hosts could be terminated and replaced at any time, which meant their services needed to prepare for this constraint.

11-01 Why We Chose Drone to Support Our 600 Deployments to Production Each Month

QuintoAndar is an app for landlords and renters tired of the bureaucracy of the traditional apartment rental process. The Brazilian startup screens apartment hunters, acts as a guarantor for those with solid credit histories and eliminates middlemen.

2018 October

10-31 Documentation as an Open Source Practice

As part of Hacktoberfest season, now is a good time to consider the ways in which we can make open source repositories welcoming spaces for developers and end users alike.

10-30 Jerry Hargrove - Cloud Diagrams & Notes

Jerry Hargrove - Cloud Diagrams & Notes Follow @awsgeek Amazon S3 10/23/2018 AWS Icons 10/17/2018 Amazon ElastiCache 9/24/2018 Amazon RDS 9/18/2018 AWS PrivateLink 9/6/2018 Amazon Comprehend 9/4/2018 Amazon EKS 9/1/2018 Amazon API Gateway 8/31/2018

10-30 Testing Kubernetes RBAC

Securing your Kubernetes cluster is one thing, keeping it secure is a continuous uphill struggle. However, with the introduction of new features to Kubernetes it is becoming much easier to do both. Kubernetes (as of version 1.

10-30 An open-source system to manage applications on multiple clouds

As like as image being template for an instance, enterprise application is also templatized on OpenPitrix. The application template is much more complicated than image in that it could contain many more images and defines the whole lifecycle of an application cluster.

10-30 gitbase: exploring git repos with SQL

Note: a video version of this content is available at the bottom. Git has become the de-facto standard for code versioning, but its popularity didn’t remove the complexity of performing deep analyses of the history and contents of source code repositories.

10-19 GraphQL in Drupal: An Exclusive Excerpt from the Forthcoming Book, Decoupled Drupal in Practice

Over the last few years, I have had the privilege of sharing insights and tutorials on decoupled Drupal, which was originally unknown territory with shifting sands but today is a widely adopted approach, including by some of Acquia’s most influential customers.

10-13 What I Talk About When I Talk About Platforms

Why an effective digital platform can help you scale delivery, what it should have in it, and how to get started building one. These days everyone is building a ‘platform’ to speed up delivery of digital products at scale.

10-05 Demystifying Hugo Conditionals

When we published our comparison of Jekyll and Hugo, we got a lot of flak from Hugo die-hards for suggesting that Jekyll had a more intuitive templating syntax.

2018 September

09-27 Taking Advantage of Drupal’s Text Format Filters in a Decoupled Site

Drupal has a great system of text formats and filters to help limit markup and do other creative things, like rendering embed tokens. These are applied when a formatted text field, like a node’s body field, is being prepared to render on the front end.

09-11 GCP products described in 4 words or less

Google Sheet | PDF | High-res image | GCP Products Page | TweetMachine Learning Cloud Machine Learning Engine – Managed ML (TensorFlow)Cloud Job Discovery – ML Job Search/DiscoveryCloud Natural Language – Text Parsing and AnalysisCloud Speech – Convert Speech to TextCloud Translation – Languag

09-05 Announcing HashiCorp Consul + Kubernetes

We’re excited to announce multiple features that deeply integrate HashiCorp Consul with Kubernetes. This post will share the initial set of features that will be released in the coming weeks.

2018 August

08-30 How to extract a data-rich service from a monolith

When breaking monoliths into smaller services, the hardest part is actually breaking up the data that lives in the database of the monolith. To extract a such a service, it is useful to follow a series of steps which retain a single write-copy of the data at all times.

08-25 CLI-improved

I’m not sure many web developers can get away without visiting the command line. As for me, I’ve been using the command line since 1997, first at university when I felt both super cool l33t-hacker and simultaneously utterly out of my depth.

08-23 How to find stuff in Git

08-07 Accessibility for Teams

The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure.

2018 July

07-12 Tips and tricks of the docker captains

Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Tips and tricks of the docker captains 1. Tips and Tricks of the Docker Captains 2. ● ● Tricks of the Captains 3. Daily Development 4. docker ps docker container ls $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND … 0f1f72c9aac0 nginx “nginx -g ‘daemon …

2018 June

06-29 From Java to Go, and Back Again

In Lisp, you don’t just write your program down toward the language, you also build the language up toward your program. As you’re writing a program you may think “I wish Lisp had such-and-such an operator.” So you go and write it.